Factor CO 2014
Discovering new fusion belly dance talents
With our Shimmy Shake Factor Co program we search for new fusion belly dance talents in The Netherlands.
In 2014 we selected twelve dancers/groups for this talent coaching program. Different coaches guided dancers during three months on a regular basis with the development of a act of five minutes. The acts were shown to the audience at the Shimmy Shake Talent Show on 21th of April in Theater 't Kapelletje in Rotterdam.
In 2014 the pre-selection for Factor CO took place in Hengelo (9 March 2014), Rotterdam (16 March 2014) and Heerlen (23 March 2014).
The first selection day of Factor CO 2014 took place om the 9th of March 2014 in Hengelo at the Hengelose Revue Theater.
The second selection day of Factor CO 2014 took place on the 16th of March 2014 in Rotterdam at the SKVR theatre.
The third selection day of Factor CO 2014 took place on the 23th of March 2013 in Heerlen during the International Bellydance Festival.