2018 was a great year

The end of the year is the time to look back and to look forward, to reflect and to make new resolutions. How was your 2018? For Shimmy Shake it was a good one. As well as 3 other cities we did a Talent Search in Groningen for the first time! Our international project with Hannover was a big success. The sun shone on the Talent Carnival and we started up a Kids project. The Golden Girls got amazing costumes! And we did the best festival so far, our 5 years edition. HAPPY!
2019 is coming up
The plans for 2019 are taking shape with some exciting new developments. Did you know that we have been organizing Talent Searches since 2006, at first as a competition with the Uzume - Tjarda en Renate - as winners? Talent Search, Talent Carnivaland Festival are our core activities in 2019, but this year the festival will feature some live music. Our international co-operation will cross more borders and take some new forms... More information next year!!
Shimmy Shake in 2019
Talent Search Dates:
Sunday 24 February Zutphen
Sheila’s Buikdanscentrum, Groenesteeg 1, Zutphen
Sunday 24 March Rotterdam
Maya Acids Studio in Quatito Azul, Schoterbosstraat 17, Rotterdam
Sunday 7 April Eindhoven
Laetana’s Bellydance World Studio, Hoogstraat 105A, Eindhoven
Sunday 28 April Groningen
Location to be announced – in co-operation With Joyce Benschop, Groningen
All Talent Search events start at 14:30 and end at 16.30. Buy your tickets at the door, cash only € 5,- Kids under 6 have free entrance.
Shimmy Shake Talent Carnival! Saturday 9th of June 2019. Theater 't Kapelletje Rotterdam

Mark your calender!!
Shimmy Shake International Festival – 8, 9, 10 November, 2019
Follow us on social media or check our website for updates on the upcoming edition.